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(photo by Coast-Fitness)

With all of today’s fitness trends, fad diets, and meal plans clouding our newsfeeds, achieving a successful workout or reaching a wellness goal is not straightforward. There are many misconceptions regarding fitness that can lead us off track. In order to sift through all of the information and avoid mistakes in the gym and kitchen we plan on busting a few health and fitness myths for you; the first one we are tackling is Target Training.

How many times have you heard a friend discuss their midsection and say that they need to do more sit-ups? Target training one specific area of the body, in this case the abdomen, will not result in a chiseled 6-pack. Achieving a physical appearance goal is not attained through exercise alone; there are other factors such as time spent working out, intensity and variation of the exercise, and food consumption to consider. I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Abdominal workouts in combination with cardio and moderate weight training will help engage the abs and strengthen the muscles.

When our bodies lose fat it does not come from one specific area on our bodies, although certain spots may slim out quicker than others. For most of us, our stubborn areas are our thighs, rear, or midsection. Targeting one of these specific areas with concentrated exercise will not make the fat go away. Fat loss includes many variables and will occur over time with a balanced diet and workout.

We've conducted A LOT of market research over the last two years. We've coordinated one-on-one interviews, held focus groups, distributed surveys, and sought input from industry experts and elite frequent fliers to determine how to provide the best airport gym experience in a limited amount of space. Below is an infographic that shows you what we learned and what you can expect from an AirFit facility.

What do you think about our numbers? Do they paint a familiar picture of what you want to get out of an airport workout?

(Photo by Hey Nadine)

Travel time is me time. It’s an opportunity to take a break from our daily routine and enjoy new sights and experiences. We avoid stressing about our trips by keeping tabs on how travel pros globetrot and stay fit. Below are five bloggers full of insights, inspiring images, itineraries, and tips that have us daydreaming about enjoying our next trip.

Need help budgeting for your next adventure? Nomadic Matt has many tips on how to successfully save for the trip of our dreams. He has extensive experience traveling the world and has written countless articles (and several books!) offering his guidance. Matt’s blog is a great resource and his categories help new visitors find things they didn’t know they were curious about.

When we are imagining how beautiful our next trip will be we often look to Hey Nadine. We actually first stumbled across her on instagram. She shares breathtaking videos of her travels that have us eager to follow her along on every adventure. She’s also full of laughter, travel tips, beautiful destinations, and advice on how to simply live in the moment. Nadine is an inspiration for all of us who have wanderlust written in our hearts.

Planning a leisure trip itinerary can feel like work, sometimes it’s even a daunting task. We want to take in the culture and see landmarks but organizing where to go in a short amount of time can be tricky. 12hrs is an incredible resource, not just for its unique itineraries but also its insight from the locals and attractive aesthetics. The idea behind the name, 12hrs, is that the editors plan a day full of activities and destinations, so if you only had 12 hours in a new city you know what shouldn’t be missed.

Once we know we’ve thought through our finances, destinations, and itineraries we look for ways to focus on our health during our travels. Travel Strong is a blog full of motivation and ways to stay on track while away from home. The founder, Will, has healthy food choices, tips to staying active, and workout routines that can be done on the fly. Sometimes it can be hard to stay focused on our health and wellness goals when there are so many new things to experience on a trip, but Travel Strong offers the guidance needed to keep us on track.

Extra fitness support can be found from Business Travel Life. The website is a good place to start but we like to follow them on Facebook because they post their own articles as well as articles from popular travel and fitness publications. If you travel a lot for work you may want to consider the meal and exercise plans they create (at a cost) for the business traveler. There are different wellness programs to choose from based on lifestyle. The programs are customizable and can be achieved at home or on the road. As an airport gym business, we love how they support work-travelers by providing them with a wellness plan.

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